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Social Media Plan


  • Present a uniform brand across all social media platforms. Currently there are inconsistencies in the spelling of the company name, multiple brand logos in use, two separate websites for the two restaurant locations, and poorly written website material and social media content. Their brand needs to be strong so that they can stand out from all the other small Mexican eateries in Provo. A strong brand will leave a more lasting impression on people when they search for places to eat online, and restaurant patrons will be able to connect their great experience with the Brasas brand.

  • Engage with locals through regular and relevant posts. The last posts made on the Brasas Facebook page are from 2015. It will be important for them to use both Facebook and Instagram to engage with people so that they can foster brand loyalty and attract new customers. If Brasas has a strong connection with its customers online, there is a higher chance of people sharing their experience using social media, either by posting pictures of their food and the restaurant or by “checking-in” to the Brasas locations.

Example of shareable social media content.

  • Establish the Brasas brand as the go-to place for tacos in Provo. As Brasas develops a stronger brand image and a greater online presence, the ultimate goal will be for them to become a classic Provo restaurant, known by both locals and the transient college student population. Their location is great and their food is great. All they need is some stronger branding to get them into people’s heads as the go-to place in Provo for authentic Mexican tacos. Once they are part of the local culture, that reputation will be passed on by word of mouth.


The people that Brasas should focus on targeting through social media are college students looking to eat out and have an authentic experience without breaking the bank. Students that go to both BYU and UVU are abundant in Provo. They are on the hunt for great places to eat out and have a good time with friends. They are usually on a budget, which means they are always wary of how much they are spending, but they still like to be able to treat themselves and be part of the local culture. They love authentic experiences, especially authentic food, and they love to share these experiences online.​​

  • Updated and accurate information.

  • Regular posts. This could include pictures of the food and restaurant, information about events going on around Center Street, fun facts about Mexican cuisine and cultures, funny memes about tacos, or anything that the target audience (college students) would find interesting.

    • Social media shouldn’t just be “Here is our product, buy our product.” It should be content that people are interested in reading and responding to.

  • Lots of the content posted to Facebook can also be shared through Instagram, with more focus placed on visual content such as pictures and videos.

  • Encourage people to post their own pictures of their food and their restaurant experience, and to tag Brasas in their posts.



The website isn’t the main source that the target audience will use to engage with the brand, but it does need to be there to support the overall brand image and have helpful information if anyone does end up on the site. The current site needs a major redesign and the content needs to be organized and rewritten. Everything should be clear, concise, and interesting, with the most relevant information such as location and menu in a prevalent, easy to locate spot.

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